At best a fault in an electrical system will be an irritant, at worst it could escalate to fire or even be lethal in it's own right.
We cannot overestimate the importance of testing.
Lock Electrical provide testing for the whole range of electrical systems, simple appliances, solar panels and wind turbines to complex systems.
Our PATS testing is for small appliances and is useful for both the private, commercial and industrial client.
Whatever your requirement please ask for our advice, assistance and help.
Recommended testing intervals:
Domestic Property Privately owned 10yrs
(or at change of ownership)
Domestic Property Rented 5yrs
(or at change of tenant)
Commercial Premises 5yrs
Educational Premises 5yrs
Industrial Premises 3yrs
Public Venues 1yr
Whatever your requirement please ask for our advice, assistance and help.
Simply click the contact below: